Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cooperating Teacher spotlight--Mrs. O

Before getting into how hectic last week was, just thought I'd share a bit about my cooperating teaching, or CT, whom I will affectionately refer to as Mrs. O. Mrs. O has been teaching twenty-seven years, thirteen of which at the high school level. First impressions are everything for me, and after the inital meeting I just knew we would hit it off. She is the mother of three: one foster child, who's a bit older than me, and two stepdaughters. She, like myself, also believes in making an impact in a large way, not just in our subject area. One of the first things I said to her was "I teach KIDS, not Math," and her response was the same. We've already begun talking about all the activites we want to do with our students this school year. She (and I for that matter) is teaching Algebra I, which is a year long course, so the students I have this semester I will have in the Spring as well.

Overall, the cooperation is so strong and we think the same in so many ways. Although I was slightly intimated being in a large school district than where I went to high school, she has completely put me at ease. My university has done something right!

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